By Justice
Recall Summary
Name of product: Youth Loungewear Pants
Consumer Contact: M&M’S World at (800) 681-5187 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday or online at and click on the ”Product Recall” link at the bottom of the page for more information.
Report an Incident Involving this Product
Recall Details
About 19,000
This recall involves youth loungewear pants. The youth loungewear pants came in two prints, one with an allover boxed M&M’S® character print and the second with an allover M&M’S® candy print. Both youth loungewear pants are 100% cotton and were sold in youth sizes small through XL. The recalled garments have a label sewn inside the waistband with the product’s identification number that includes the last four digits as the date of manufacture in MMYY format. The recalled youth loungewear pants have identification numbers ending in 0711, 0212, 1112, 0313, 0413 or 0713.
None reported
Consumers should immediately take the recalled youth loungewear pants away from children, stop using them and return them to M&M’S World® for a full refund.
Sold exclusively at
M&M’S World stores nationwide from July 2011 through November 2014 for about $22.
Mars Retail Group, of Mount Arlington, N.J.
Manufactured in
Source:: DeTech
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